Murdo Fraser MSP has lodged and circulated a Motion at the Scottish Parliament congratulating PKAVS on celebrating their 50th anniversary.
The details of the Motion are:
Title: PKAVS Celebrates 50th Anniversary
Motion Text:
That the Parliament congratulates Perth and Kinross Association of Voluntary Service (PKAVS) in celebrating its 50th anniversary; notes that PKAVS is a charitable organisation that helps more than 5,000 local people through its five hubs that focus on Carers, Minority Communities, Third Sector Interface, which includes volunteering, Mental Health and Wellbeing, and Shopmobility; further notes that PKAVS provides person-centred support and, it understands, works in partnership with local and national bodies, including Perth and Kinross Council and NHS Tayside, to connect with communities across Perth and Kinross, and wishes PKAVS all the best for its Civic Reception, in Perth, on 14 March 2022, and for the future.