As Perth and Kinross is hit by another bout of heavy rain, Liz Smith MSP welcomed moves by Scottish Conservative Councillors on Perth and Kinross Council, supported by other opposition councillors, to ensure the council do more to work with local farmers, landowners and SEPA to allow the regular clearing of gullies, drainage ditches and waterways across the area.
Commenting Liz Smith said,
"The issue of flooding, much at a very localised level, is very high on the list of issues raised with me by local residents. This autumn we have been hit by several periods of extreme weather and we have seen flooding right across the local area. Residents are frustrated that often, some of the localised flooding could be avoided by the type of ditch maintenance, gully clearing and other measures that used to be conducted on a more regular basis. I was pleased to note the debate held at the council recently where officers were asked to do more to work with farmers, landowners and SEPA to carry out these measures. It is important that funding is made available to allow this work to be conducted and that requires local authorities to receive a fairer settlement from the Scottish Government. It is in everyone's interests for a partnership approach to be promoted and for regular maintenance to return."